
DHEA for Menopause Relief: Healthy Hormone Balance for Energy and Well-being

DHEA for Menopause Relief: A Proven Solution for Women In a 2006 study featured in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, researchers uncovered the potential of DHEA in easing menopause symptoms. Women who took DHEA over a four week study experienced significant improvements in their quality of life, with a notable decreases in hot flashes, […]

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Twist 25 DHEA hormone cream

How to use DHEA

Want to know how to use DHEA? DHEA should be used as a properly made pharmaceutical grade bioidentical DHEA cream called “Twist 25” instead of a pill. DHEA stands for dehydroepiandrosterone, which is the most prevalent naturally occurring pro-hormone in the human body. Unlike foreign substances, it’s a natural hormone precursor unique to humans. In

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The Truth About DHEA - DHEA is safe

DHEA The Big Picture

So if you’re like most people, you want to do your homework before you start using a new health supplement. You definitely should. Let’s look at all the pro’s and con’s. Consider all the facts. Consider the science. What do the medical research studies show? What are the benefits of DHEA and what are the

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Reduce The Side Effects of Menopause Naturally

DHEA Cream Helps Menopause

Going through menopause can be difficult for women. Menopause doesn’t officially begin until 12 months after a woman’s last period. On average, the process begins around age 50 but can start as early as 40 or as late as 60, and it typically lasts around seven or eight years but can last up to 14 years.

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Happy healthy couple

Feeling Right again with DHEA

To maintain optimal health and well-being, humans need adequate levels of dehydroepiandrosterone, known as DHEA. DHEA is the most abundant naturally occurring pro-hormone in the human body. DHEA levels gradually increase from birth to about age 25, when we are in our “reproductive prime” as humans. But after age 25, DHEA levels begin to decrease

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Happy healthy family enjoying the benefits of Twist 25 DHEA cream

What does DHEA do for you?

Anti-aging one day at a time DHEA, also known as dehydroepiandrosterone, is the most abundant prohormone in the body. As a natural pro-hormone, it occurs only in humans and upper level primates. DHEA was first identified in 1931 by Dr. Adolf Butenandt, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1939. Frequently called the

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