Healthy DHEA to cortisol balance

DHEA Cream Fights Stress and Adrenal Fatigue

Do you lack energy, feel washed out and tired? You may be experiencing adrenal fatigue or adrenal exhaustion. Try DHEA adrenal fatigue cream to help combat exhaustion.

Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue:

  • Feel worn out all the time, even though you get enough sleep?
  • Tired at night but can’t fall asleep?
  • Feel Bloated?
  • Crave salty snacks?
  • Feel stressed out, scatterbrained, or can’t focus?
  • Have little interest in sex, potentially indicating low sex hormone levels?
  • Gain weight easily.

If any of these symptoms describe you, you may be experiencing adrenal fatigue or adrenal hormone insufficiency.

What is Adrenal Fatigue?

Also called “adrenal exhaustion” by health professionals like Dr. Christiane Northrup, adrenal fatigue occurs when the body overproduces the stress hormone cortisol on an ongoing basis but does not produce enough DHEA to counterbalance the negative effects of cortisol. One often recommended treatment is DHEA for adrenal fatigue.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is the only thing in the body that counterbalances the negative effects of cortisol.

After about age 45, men and women alike produce too much cortisol and not enough DHEA, making adrenal fatigue a growing concern, particularly over the long term.

Adrenal fatigue is especially prevalent in adults ages 45 and up, and can become a chronic condition that gets worse with age. Given the gradual decline in DHEA and the gradual increase in cortisol as we age, using DHEA cream daily makes sense.

If you are 35 or older and feel tired, stressed, bloated, or lack motivation and drive, you should consider using DHEA the right way to start feeling good again – Twist 25 DHEA cream.

What is DHEA?

DHEA, short for dehydroepiandrosterone, is the most abundant naturally occurring pro-hormone in the human body. It is a hormone precursor that only occurs in humans and upper-level primates.

DHEA is a base for more than 50 hormones that are smaller or more specific carbon chain molecules in human biochemistry. As a precursor for all estrogenic and androgenic hormones, men and women alike make DHEA naturally from birth in the adrenal glands, gonads, brain, and dermis (skin).

DHEA is the most abundant foundation or base from which the body makes hormones and counterbalances cortisol. Cortisol is the inflammatory response hormone.

DHEA levels increase from birth through adolescence and puberty and peak between ages 20 and 25, when we are “in our prime.” Then, DHEA levels gradually decrease by about 2% per year after that. So, by age 35, the body produces about 20% less DHEA than when we were “in our prime” at age 25, and by age 50, we produce 50% less DHEA than we did when we were in our twenties. This gradual decline continues.

What is Cortisol?

Cortisol, known as the stress hormone, increases gradually over the human lifespan because of chronic stress, while levels of DHEA decrease after age 25.

Cortisol is produced in response to stressful situations. It is the “fight or flight” hormone released to protect the body from an inflammatory response. The problem with this inflammatory response is that, over time, too much cortisol on a chronic basis has many detrimental effects.

Since we gradually make less and less DHEA after age 25. On the other hand, we gradually make more and more cortisol as we get older. Humans are at their healthiest, feel best, and are at lowest risk of disease—cardiovascular disease, diabetes, depression, and cancer—when the DHEA to cortisol ratio is ten to one (10:1), according to Dr. John R. Woodward, M.D.

Everything, from driving in rush-hour traffic to dealing with an upset friend or co-worker, can cause stress in our lives, producing more cortisol. Elevated cortisol levels over time can lead to impaired immune response, energy drain, feeling bloated, low energy, weight gain, and feeling washed out.

Cortisol can also adversely affect cardiovascular health, blood glucose levels, and bone strength. High cortisol levels can lead to the development of Metabolic Syndrome, which has been shown to lead to obesity, high blood pressure, and higher cholesterol and triglyceride levels. DHEA counterbalances the negative effects of cortisol.

How to Fight Adrenal Fatigue 

It takes more than a cup of coffee or an energy drink to counteract the effects of adrenal fatigue. First, it’s important to see a physician to make sure your thyroid and iron levels are okay and that nothing else is going on that needs attention. Have your hormone levels checked, too. Often, people with symptoms of adrenal exhaustion or adrenal fatigue discover their DHEA levels are low, making DHEA supplements for adrenal fatigue a potential treatment option.

Adrenal Fatigue and DHEA

To gain more knowledge about DHEA, adrenal fatigue, and the numerous advantages of using a well-formulated bioidentical DHEA cream such as Twist 25 DHEA cream, tune into the Forever Young radio show conversation on this subject. Hugh Woodward, President of Health2Go, was invited by Kelly Cappasola, the show host, to share symptoms of the condition and discuss research that’s been done on adrenal fatigue and why Twist 25 DHEA cream can have beneficial effects.

Health2Go makes and sells the Twist 25 DHEA cream. Men and women 35 years of age or older should apply one or two full pump presses of cream every morning to maintain healthy DHEA levels. Supporting DHEA levels can help counterbalance the negative effects of too much cortisol.


Katherine Lang, Stephanie Burger-Stritt, Stefanie Hahner. “Is DHEA replacement beneficial in chronic adrenal failure?” Pubmed. Best Practices Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. Jan 2015; 29(1): 25-32. doi: 10.1016/j.beem. 2014.09.007. Epub 2014 Oct 2.

W Arlt, F Callies, J C Van Vlijmen, I Koehler, M Reincke, M Bidlingmaier, D Huebler, M Oettel, M Ernst, H M Schulte, B Allolio. “Dehydroepiandrosteron Replacement in Women with Adrenal Insufficiency” New England Journal of Medicine, Sep 30 1999; 341(14): 1013-20. doi: 10.1056/NEJM199909303411401.

W Arlt, F Callies, B Allolio. “DHEA replacement in women with adrenal insufficiency–pharmacokinetics, bioconversion and clinical effects on well-being, sexuality and cognition” Endocrine Research. Nov 2000;26(4): 505-11. doi: 10.3109/07435800009048561.

“DHEA: why, when, and how much–DHEA replacement in adrenal insufficiency”. Annales d’endocrinologie (Paris). Sep 2007; 68(4): 268-73. doi: 10.1016/j.ando.2007.06.018. Epub 2007 Aug 8.

Hugh R. Woodward, MHA

Hugh Woodward is President/CEO of Health2Go, Inc. Health2Go makes and sells Twist 25 DHEA cream.
Hugh has a BBA in Business Management from University of Texas in Austin, Texas and an MHA, Master of Science in Health Care Administration.

Hugh is a subject matter expert on DHEA dedicating the past 20+ years of his life to studying the medical research about it. Hugh started Health2Go, Inc. in 2007 to research and develop the safest most effective DHEA supplement cream that can be made.

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