Couple benefits from DHEA cream to improve sex drive

Reasons to Use Twist 25 DHEA Cream

  1. DHEA short for (dehydroepiandrosterone) is the most abundant compound our bodies use to produce hormones. It is a basic building block or precursor to most of the hormones we produce. 
  2. Medical research shows most DHEA is actually metabolized in the skin.
  3. After we are born, we make increasing amounts of DHEA until about age 25. Then we begin to make less and less (about 2% less per year) until death. By age 30, the body makes noticeably less DHEA. We feel it happen as we consequently begin to produce less of the hormones for which DHEA is a precursor. This why by age 35, most people say they are beginning to feel less energetic, less healthy, and tired. The aches and pains and weight gain begin when folks are less active. By age 45 to 55, women and men produce just half the DHEA they did when they were 25. By age 80, DHEA levels can decline to only 5% of the levels of someone who is 25.
  4. Research shows that the level of DHEA in a person’s blood is an excellent predictor of not only age-related health problems, cognitive decline and cardiovascular health, but also aging itself—as defined by energy levels and quality of life. Higher levels of DHEA are strongly associated with good health, while lower levels are strongly associated with numerous diseases.

  1. Low levels of DHEA are associated with increased risk of death from all causes. For example, low DHEA levels are associated with an increased risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease and cancer.
  2. Low levels of DHEA are associated with adult diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disease, asthma, obesity, depression, dementia, osteoporosis, and lupus to name but a few. 
  3. Leading endocrinologists indicate that optimal anti-aging will be achieved by maintaining DHEA levels at the level of a 30 year old.
  4. There is no medical research that associates DHEA supplementation with any serious or dangerous side effects.
  5. People over age 35 using Twist 25 DHEA cream report they have more energy, handle stress more easily, think more clearly, and generally feel better. Other benefits include stronger resistance to colds and flu, feeling leaner and fitter, having softer skin, more sex drive, and sleeping better at night.
  6. DHEA has no dangerous side effects. DHEA reduces all types of cancer risk. DHEA increases the number of and activity of natural killer cells, thereby strengthening the immune system.
  7. Twist 25 DHEA cream is applied each day on thin, hairless skin. One or two pump presses of cream are applied morning and evening each day. One full pump press of Twist 25 cream contains 25 Mg DHEA. Twist 25 cream is a coconut oil base cream. 
  8. DHEA also is a base for sebum, and helps the body to form connective tissue. DHEA reduces risk of skin cancer by protecting cells from UV and chemical carcinogens.


Listen to our podcast on why DHEA Cream is an important Health Strategy. We explain what DHEA is and why supplementing DHEA using a properly made absorbable skin cream called Twist 25 is great for women and men 35 and up. Benefits include cardiovascular health, immune system support, counterbalancing cortisol, the stress hormone, reducing fat and inflamation… Listen here.

Hugh R. Woodward, MHA

Hugh Woodward is President/CEO of Health2Go, Inc. Health2Go makes and sells Twist 25 DHEA cream.
Hugh has a BBA in Business Management from University of Texas in Austin, Texas and an MHA, Master of Science in Health Care Administration.

Hugh is a subject matter expert on DHEA dedicating the past 20+ years of his life to studying the medical research about it. Hugh started Health2Go, Inc. in 2007 to research and develop the safest most effective DHEA supplement cream that can be made.

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