Happy healthy jump for joy with Twist 25 DHEA cream

Five Tips for Making and Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions

The New Year is here! Like many people, you’re probably still remembering all those ideas for great resolutions that shot through your head on New Year’s Eve. Well now it’s time to stick with it this time around.

If you’re ready to make a few changes and really want to make them stick, keep these five tips in mind to help you succeed with your New Year’s resolutions:

Stick with a Manageable Number – When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, quality trumps quantity. If you try to tackle too many things, you’ll overextend yourself and are more likely to drop them all entirely. Try limiting yourself to just one or two. After all, you can take on new at least 2 new challenges in 2019; right?

Choose Something You Really Want – This may seem obvious, but people sometimes make resolutions based more on what they think they should do rather than what they really want to do. What kinds of changes would you really like to put into effect for the upcoming year? As you brainstorm ideas, go down the list. Which ones really excite you? Those are the ones to focus on.

Be Specific – One reason resolutions often fail is because they are too vague. For instance, saying you’ll start eating better is well and good, but it doesn’t give you much to go on. Why not say something like, “I will stop drinking sugary soda, and drink a nice glass of water instead.” or something else more specific?

Instead of saying you’ll take steps to look and feel better, why not make a resolution that’s specific and great for you too. Something that would make you feel like exercising more, and help you recover better after workouts, get more lean muscle tone as a result, be in a better mood, and sleep better too. Something that helps you feel great from the inside and out; hmmmm- that would be an amazing advantage wouldn’t it? Wow…it’s pretty amazing that a simple health product like bioidentical DHEA cream could do all that.

Tell People – Sharing your resolutions with the world shows you want to hold yourself accountable. It may feel good to post about them on social media, but it’s even better to tell a few close friends or loved ones about your success and discovery. Check with them about their progress in a few weeks. They’ll be amazed when they hear you ask them to check in about improvements they’ve noticed, too. Knowing someone else who is having the same successes makes it a lot more fun. Success is a powerful thing.

Get the Right Tools – No matter what your resolutions are, having the right tools to get there is definitely important. For instance, don’t just say you’ll exercise more — buy a gym membership. Once you’re a paying member, commit to going 3-4 times every week. Don’t just say you’ll take better care of your skin and apply a healthy coconut oil base cream with Vitamin E and Coenzyme Q10 and DHEA — get the best DHEA cream made, called Twist 25 DHEA cream, to help your skin look and feel younger and healthier, while also reducing your risks of cancer. A small investment on your resolution makes you more likely to stick with it.

More than anything, be kind to yourself. If you fall of the wagon, don’t beat yourself up. Just get back on and keep going. Perseverance is key. With these points in mind, you’re sure to find it much easier to keep your resolutions for 2023. And as a hint – Health and happiness goals are usually easier to achieve with Twist 25 DHEA cream. So do your best, use the right tools to get there and stick with it. It’s all the little things we do every day that make a big difference over time. Perseverance pays off.

What are your resolutions for 2023? We love hearing from our Twist 25 family and friends. Let’s go!

Hugh R. Woodward, MHA

Hugh Woodward is President/CEO of Health2Go, Inc. Health2Go makes and sells Twist 25 DHEA cream.
Hugh has a BBA in Business Management from University of Texas in Austin, Texas and an MHA, Master of Science in Health Care Administration.

Hugh is a subject matter expert on DHEA dedicating the past 20+ years of his life to studying the medical research about it. Hugh started Health2Go, Inc. in 2007 to research and develop the safest most effective DHEA supplement cream that can be made.

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