
DHEA for Menopause Relief: Healthy Hormone Balance for Energy and Well-being

DHEA for Menopause Relief: A Proven Solution for Women In a 2006 study featured in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, researchers uncovered the potential of DHEA in easing menopause symptoms. Women who took DHEA over a four week study experienced significant improvements in their quality of life, with a notable decreases in hot flashes, […]

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DHEA: A U.S. Government Health Measure? Understand the Science

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and it’s more abundant sulfated form, DHEA-S, and cortisol are hormones primarily produced in the adrenal glands. Both cortisol and DHEA can affect the immune system, resilience to stress, brain function, and behavior. As a result, there are now more and more medical research studies that have been done measuring and evaluating the

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