Hugh R. Woodward, MHA

Hugh Woodward is President/CEO of Health2Go, Inc. Health2Go makes and sells Twist 25 DHEA cream. Hugh has a BBA in Business Management from University of Texas in Austin, Texas and an MHA, Master of Science in Health Care Administration.
Hugh is a subject matter expert on DHEA dedicating the past 20+ years of his life to studying the medical research about it. Hugh started Health2Go, Inc. in 2007 to research and develop the safest most effective DHEA supplement cream that can be made.

Health2Go Resveratrol

Resveratrol Good for the Heart and Good for the Brain + Anti-aging Skin Care

We’ve all heard that red wine promotes heart health, the resveratrol in red wine is why, though the vasodilation effects of the alcohol in wine also have beneficial effects. The cardiovascular benefits of resveratrol are primarily from the anti-atherosclerotic effects. Resveratrol is a plant-based polyphenol found in abundance in red grape skin, blueberries, cranberries and, […]

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Anti-Aging Combo Pack

Anti-Aging Combo Pack

Health2Go Anti-Aging Combo Pack The trifecta: Health2Go Anti-Aging Combo Pack includes Twist 25 DHEA cream, Health2Go Pycnogenol, and Health2Go Vitamin D-3. Combine these three basics for a Health2Go holistic health advantage. Fight aging and maintain health. Twist 25 DHEA cream – maintain hormones, Pycnogenol as a proactive antioxidant. and Vitamin D-3 maintains bone, skin, and

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Virus defense

DHEA Cream Fights Cortisol

To maintain optimal health and well-being, humans need adequate levels of dehydroepiandrosterone, known as DHEA. DHEA is the most abundant naturally occurring pro-hormone in the human body. DHEA levels gradually increase from birth to about age 25, when we are in our “reproductive prime” as humans. After age twenty-five, DHEA levels begin to decrease by

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