Best DHEA supplement

Dr. John Woodward, MD Inventor of Twist 25 DHEA Cream

What is DHEA? Why use a DHEA supplement? What is Twist 25 DHEA cream? What does it do

What is DHEA? How should it be used? Why DHEA cream? Dr. John R. Woodward, M.D. Board Certified Gynecology, Hormone replacement specialist; Medical City Dallas. “As a physician, I believe DHEA must be used as a bioidentical DHEA cream called “Twist 25”. Twist 25 DHEA cream is the top bioidentical DHEA supplement cream. Medical research […]

What is DHEA? Why use a DHEA supplement? What is Twist 25 DHEA cream? What does it do Read More »

Maintain Health: It’s All the Little Things That Make a Big Difference Over Time

Medical research studies continue to confirm that maintaining health is far better than fixing health problems once they occur. Antonia Novello, M.D., the former US Surgeon General, summed it up well, saying “It is easier to maintain good health than it is to recover it.” Medical research clearly shows that sleeping well, eating well, regular

Maintain Health: It’s All the Little Things That Make a Big Difference Over Time Read More »

DHEA Benefits

Why Test Your DHEA Levels

Have you been feeling like you just don’t have enough energy anymore? Maybe get short tempered more easily than you used to? Do you wake up in the middle of the night for no reason, and toss and turn? You’re not alone; and there is something you can do about it. Read on to learn why

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